Zuri Cortes


"Even a safe job isn't secure. I'd rather fail at something I love than fail at something I hate. It's just as possible. [...] I have so many interests. I go to UC Berkeley and I study sociology after switching from econ. There are so many issues in our society and the more I look into these issues, the more I want to get to the root of the problem. I want to be able to bring that together with my art. My dream would be to compose for film to be able to influence culture through media." - Zuri Cortes

After connecting through Instagram in San Francisco, it wasn't until we were in Southern California that we got to meet in person and chat over coffee. We learned that Zuri has a music background and wants to combine his studies with his art. We love how passionate he is about his work and continues to push the boundaries. We're eager to see where his venture after Berkeley will continue!

ConvosCoffee & Convos