Zach Horvath of Live a Great Story


"With this new year I'm focused on being more social, connecting with more people, more coffee chats and just getting out in the city more. The people are the biggest part of this brand, especially in San Diego. The stories are what what really fuel and inspire me... Hearing other people's journeys, their perseverance, overcoming obstacles and succeeding at their passions, that's what really keeps me going with LIVE A GREAT STORY." - Zach Horvath // @liveagreatstory

We remember spotting Live a Great Story reminders around San Diego more than a year ago, and it was since then that we HAD to find out who it was behind it all. After running into Zach at a Creative Mornings event, we connected and had coffee a few times before having this conversation. Regardless of which time it was, he inspires us to keep traveling and to keep living a great story! We love following his journey, where he's headed to next, and seeing just how much Live a Great Story has grown!

ConvosCoffee & Convos