Melisa of Let's Get You Organized
“You have to persist. It’s a long game. I’m in this in the long game. Say I took a loss in my first year of business, I’d still be moving forward because the year I took to do this was a year of happiness, joy, freedom, living my passion, building my tribe, and not being a part of the rat race and that’s priceless.”
Tune into the podcast here
In this episode of The Coffee & Convos Podcast, we chat with Melisa of Let’s Get You Organized who launched her own business monetizing cleaning spaces and clearing clutter. She shares her journey on how she took a leap and started her LLC called Make SHT Happen where SHT stands for Spiritual Home Transformation.
We get quick tips and tricks on how to organize your space and be more intentional with all aspects of your life, how to hold onto only things that hold value, and why persistence is key in the entrepreneurial world.
Connect with Melisa
Instagram: @letsgetyouorganized
Youtube: @letsgetyouorganized