Kelsey Christine of Honey Side Up


"I feel like I'm in a never ending journey in figuring out who I am and what'll make me happy. This new brand identity is me. I'm not hiding my tattoos or the way I talk, it's just ME [...] We're losing a lot of human connection with social media and it's about finding a balance. The reason why I'm doing this is to make meaningful connections. To empower and support my clients and motivate them to follow their dreams." - Kelsey Christine //@honeysideup

Kelsey has been incredible since day 1! After meeting at a local networking event, we instantly connected over the love of coffee. She transitioned from her last freelance job to her current design freelance gig through Honey Side Up, and she is killing the game! We love her work and have seen her growth and it is impeccable! We can't wait to share what we have in store for the Coffee & Convos launch party, you won't want to miss it!

ConvosCoffee & Convos