Heaven Leigh


"I’ve been a very closeted creative for a long time, where I would write poetry all the time and would never tell anybody because it was so personal to me and so sensitive that if I put it out there in the world, who knows what other people will think of me. But that’s where all you see those cliche posts on Instagram about ‘who cares about what other people think of you’ and if that’s what you need to do in order to make yourself happy, and if you’re curious, then those are the things you should go follow. Everything you want is on the other side of fear."

In this episode of The Coffee & Convos Podcast, we chat with Heaven Leigh, founder of Do What You Love Meetup. She shares her story about how she took her love for poetry, public art, and open mics to create her one of a kind event showcasing local talent and creating an inclusive space where others can express doing what they love. Heaven shares how philanthropic work has helped her find her purpose, how she’s surpassed her fears, and how it’s important to know your journey has its own pace. This is a great episode for those looking to take a step outside of their comfort zone but doesn’t know where to start, or if you are multi-passionate and want to pursue a myriad of things but don’t think it’s possible.Tune into the podcast here.[embed]https://soundcloud.com/coffeeandconvos/018-finding-confidence-to-go-beyond-fear-with-heaven-leigh/s-xBggx[/embed]

Follow Heaven and DWYL Meetup

Heaven's Instagram: @heavenlyhokulaniDWYL Meetup's Instagram: @dwylmeetupHeaven's Website: heavenlyhokulani.wordpress.com

ConvosCoffee & Convos