Anali De Laney


“No good story, no documentary you ever read, no autobiography you’ve ever picked up is a story of a person who was just handed everything that they wanted because they won the lottery or because they just decided they wanted to be something and boom they were just it that day. The greatest story is in the struggle. The very end of it is when you get everything and no one really cares about that. It’s just how did you get there, that’s the interesting part. Skipping ahead to the end is just a waste of time.

Tune into the podcast here.

In this episode of The Coffee & Convos Podcast, we chat with Anali De Laney, an incredibly talented traveling tattoo artist who owns two private tattoo studios: Black River Tattoo in San Diego and Never More Atelier in Harrisburg. Known for her surrealist work, she shares her journey about how she got into tattooing and how her career as a tattoo artist has allowed her to travel around the world while sharing her art.

We have a great conversation about why she loves to support and encourage like-minded people who have the hustle whether that is to start a business or just get away from the work they hate to pursue something they love. She shares her insights on how to navigate through this world as a creative and entrepreneur and how resources are easily available now more than ever, shares one of the craziest experiences she had while traveling, and how hard work and honoring your struggle will ultimately help your journey in the long run.

Connect with Anali

Instagram: @delaneyink
Black River Tattoo SD
Never More Tattooing Atelier

ConvosCoffee & Convos