Alisha of Fiercely Optimistic


 “I’m a Reiki master, intuitive healer, I do life coaching, I instruct yoga, and I’m also a writer. I do a lot but it keeps life in balance actually. With all my work I’m never bored and it helps me form into the position I need to help people.We have to realize everything shifts and changes, and just know you’re on the right path.There were a lot of pieces to the puzzle. Going back to when I was really little… I would do a lot of healing work with my family with hands and I realize that is part of what I was supposed to be here for. There was a lot that eventually added up to be what Fiercely Optimistic is. But it took two decades to put together and for myself I had to go through different types of suffering in order to have the amount of compassion I have in order to work with people in a nonjudgmental sense. I’ve heard unbelievable stories and it goes back to the idea that just because we have a past does not mean that it defines our soul.We oftentimes feel guilty and we have to accept there is no right or wrong, everything is an experience for a reason.We know what’s best for us and I think there’s a point where we are able to be molded by other people and it’s not that they don’t have our best interest in mind, but they have to allow us to do our own growth work. So that is what I do – I help and assist people to do their work and guide them, I don’t give advice, and I just help them find their own truth.…Traveling will change your life. Especially when you go to other countries and if you take the time to submerge into those cultures, you’ll never be the same. You just learn to appreciate everything so much more and you understand that we are all human beings and we are here for the sole purpose to love.I think traveling saved my life in some ways.…When you’re working with another person in a group setting, it primarily helps everyone know that we are all the same. We are so much alike and we always try and put up these walls but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter because we’re all going through the same struggles. Healing circles are a beautiful thing that I love doing.”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_masonry_media_grid element_width="6" grid_id="vc_gid:1471906234764-1e546adb-8947-8" include="2126,2125"][/vc_column][/vc_row]We had the pleasure of meeting with Alisha Hawrylyszyn Frank after being introduced to her work by Mary Gutierrez. Alisha is a talented individual who holds many titles including Reiki Master, Intuitive Healer, Writer, Life Coach, and Yoga Instructor. She is a believer in helping others find their truth and radiates so much positivity, you can't help but gravitate to her energy and love her right off the bat!We love following her journey and getting inspired by her work. She truly is an amazing individual and had helped us dig a little deeper in finding our truth as well. We chatted about our favorite books, distant places she has traveled to, and her past experiences that have ultimately helped her become who she is today. We admire her strength and

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Website // www.iamfiercelyoptimistic.comInstagram // @fiercelyoptimistic

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